Saturday, January 7, 2012

Marking Period 3 Week 4

Snyder views society as always having something new to teach us, and that we must have the confidence in ourselves to try something new if we really want to learn and grow from what unexpected opportunities are offered to us. Although society can be hostile at times, she explains how taking rough situations with a grain a salt is important because not everything is going to be easy, and hard or unfamiliar situations may take more effort but you can get something out of it in the end. If we do not experiment and push our normal 'boundaries', then we are not able to really appreciate what we have available to us. Snyder therefore also shows her view that one does not have to be successful at something to learn a lessen and benefit from it. Overall, she sees society as being full of opportunity that we just have to take advantage of, even the smallest situations.

1 comment:

  1. Kylie:
    Your observation on the issues is thorough; the next step is to look at more general statements about her rhetoric. Would you call her a liberal?
    If so, why?

    Mr. Heller
